"Red and near infra-red light therapy are one of the biggest break-through discoveries in health in the last half-century."

FACT: As we age our cells start to power down.
The culprit? Declining mitochondrial production. Mitocondria is the life-giving center of every cell. As production weakens our physical well-being diminishes and our metabolism slows down. But don’t worry - the health benefits of Red Light Therapy is promising!
THE ANTIDOTE: Research shows that red light works by producing a biochemical effect in cells that strengthens the mitochondria. With red and infrared light therapy, wavelengths of light work at a cellular level to improve your health.
We can help you keep your light shining! Schedule your first treatment for only $69 by clicking on the Book An Appointment tab to the right!
Want to sculpt your body and melt away excess fat without the pain, potential damage or recovery time associated with procedures like cool sculpting or liposuction?
Red light therapy can help you lose the inches you want, melt away the fat, and get you back into your favorite clothes again, all without yo-yo dieting, rigorous exercise regimens, pain, scarring or recovery time.
All it takes is two sessions a week for about 8 weeks on average, though some clients need more sessions to achieve their goals. We custom-tailor our programs to meet your goals and your budget!
Enjoy relaxing sessions in our comfortable, spa-like setting, as you let the red LED lights do their work. No pain, no discomfort.
Ready to start losing inches and get back into the clothes you love? Take the first step today!
Red light therapy works by emitting two different wavelengths of red light. The first wave causes the cell membranes in your fat cells to open up, allowing the fat contents to liquify and seep out, where they can be burned as fuel or processed by your lymphatic system and eliminated from the body. The second wave increases collagen and elastin production in the skin that can correct the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while also creating a slimmer appearance.
Whether you have a few problem areas, like the hips and thighs, or need a full-body solution, Illuminate Advanced Skin Care has you covered. Unlike low-end solutions that use cheap LED lights and stationary light bars, our LED lights are applied to your whole body using a full-body wrap. This creates even coverage and reduces the amount of sessions you need to see results.
In fact, many of our clients see noticeable results after their first treatment! We guarantee 2-6 inches on your first treatment when our protocol is followed.
More on How Contour Red Light Therapy Works...
One 25-minute contour light treatment is equivalent to seven 25-minute cardio exercises. How is this conceivable? Contour light safely liquefies fat.
Additionally, it accelerates fat burning and increases metabolic rate.
Lastly, fat cells are opened, enabling fat to depart the cell, causing the fat cells to shrink. What happens to the fat? It is flushed out by the lymphatic system and broken down by the liver and intestines before being safely and naturally expelled from the body!

Contour Lights Is Officially FDA Cleared!
The Contour Lights™ was cleared by the FDA on May 19, 2021, for reducing the circumference of your waist, hips, and thighs, as well as offering brief relief for joint pain, arthritis, muscular pain, and spasms by increasing muscle relaxation and enhancing blood circulation.
A clinical investigation found that patients lost an average of 2.49 inches per session.
The FDA # Is K202955. You Can Find The Clinical Study Is Registered With Clinicaltrials.Gov Under #NCT 04451824.
DISCLAIMER** The Contour Light System is not intended for use in the diagnosis of a disease or any other condition or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, and is not intended to affect the structure or function of the body. This product is cosmetic in nature and does not claim to impart any health benefits. The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Each person is different and one person’s success is no guarantee of results.

What are the benefits of contour light therapy?
Compared to liposuction or surgical weight loss, Contour Light Body Sculpting Therapy is a healthier option. Lipo laser is another name for it. It’s also excellent for parts of the body where stubborn fat accumulates. Contour Light Body Sculpting Therapy can be even be used to relieve chronic pain in some circumstances.
Why you should choose Illuminate Advanced Skincare:
Love the skin you’re in…
With Illuminate Advanced Skin Care located in Leola, Pennsylvania.
Our mission is to provide the highest quality skincare and outstanding customer service; so you can receive a luxurious enjoyable experience.
Our vision is to make all our clients feel fantastic inside and out. Once you leave our beautiful private suite in Leola, we want you to feel confident and delighted with your skin care treatment.
We offer personalized care and treatments catered to your individual needs, provided by our experienced licensed aesthetician team offering the latest advances in skincare technology and innovative treatments.

Get in touch…
If you have any questions about Red Light Therapy or would like to know more about other services we offer, then please do not hesitate to contact one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff. We will have you feeling relaxed and confident in your skin.
We look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve your skincare goals.
Phone: 717-413-1026